An evening of dance brought to you by Inner Child Productions and Robot Heart
May 7 from 7:30-10pm at The Loom, Oakland
Dance Performances: Artists from Post:ballet and Alonzo King Lines Ballet
Featured Dancers: Adji Cissoko, Shuaib El Hassan, Babatunji Johnson, Moscelyne ParkeHarrison, Marusya Maduboko, Lorris Eichinger, Charmaine Butcher, Colin Frederick, Crystaldawn Bell, Madison Lindgren, Mia J Chong
Live Painting: Visual artist Enrique Quintero will create a large painting in real-time
Live Music: Electric Cellist & Pianist Roziht, Multi-instrumentalist Daniel Berkman + DJ Set
7:30-8:00 pm: Intimate welcome on Cello
8:00-8:45 pm: Mix & mingle with a cocktail hour featuring an improvisational fusion of dance, music, and live painting.
8:45-9:00 pm: Premiere of "Magma" dance film
9:00-10:00 pm: Main performances, a movement workshop, ending on a dance party (DJ Set)