Post:ballet is able to present work that is “decidedly daring and anything but risk averse” (SF Chronicle) because of the support we receive from community members like you.
If you would like to support Post:ballet’s collaborative artistic vision, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution today. Your support funds our artists and enables us to present original work for everyone in our community to experience.
Patrons who give at the $1,000+ level annually are invited to join our Post:partners team, a group of supporters whose generous contributions sustain our creative endeavors. Post:partners will receive access to special events throughout the year, learning more about the creative process and connecting with the company’s artists in meaningful ways.
If you would like to volunteer for a future Post:ballet event or performance, please email us at so that we can add your name to our volunteer list!
*Post:ballet is the official company of Berkeley Ballet Theater. Donations are tax-deductible through BBT’s 501(c)3 status.
Post:ballet exists because of our generous patrons and supportive community. Every donation supports the work of our organization in a meaningful way. Our Post:partners are donors whose contributions make an exceptional impact on our ability to create and share new works.
Jill Andre
Jan Berletti
Josh + Trista Bernstein
Nicholas Berte
Adam Broidy
Heejay Chung
David Featherstone
Gordon + Judy Gladstone
Stephen + Chris Gilbert
Nicholas Hepler
Lorna Kollmeyer + David Jones
Tienne Lee + Steve Nierlich
Lynn Luckow
Deborah O’Grady
Emre Ozdemir
Michael Marchand + Jeremy Smith
Sean Michael + Nick Tenuto
Jordan Moncharmont + Leigh Biddlecome
John Newmeyer
Maria Preobrazhenskaya + Slava Zhakov
Derek + Robert Rushin
Andrew Saunders + Tyler Benari
Luke Willis + Justin McBaine
Anonymous (2)
Cora Cliburn and Landes Dixon in Vanessa Thiessen’s Lyra, costume design by Christian Squires, photography by Alexander Reneff-Olson
Post:ballet patrons attend an exclusive preview of Lyra at Vita Brevis Club. Photo by Reneff-Olson Productions.